I develop computational imaging tools for scientific discovery.
My work is interdisciplinary by nature, at the intersection of artificial intelligence and physics. I am interested in defining and solving novel inverse problems in diverse fields: from astrophysics to climate.
Starting July 2024 I will be joining the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto as an assistant professor.
I'm looking for postdocs and students to join my research group (more on this page)
I am a postdoctoral researcher with Katie Bouman at the Computing + Mathematical Sciences department at Caltech where I work on imaging black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) (more about this work on this page).
Prior to that, I received my Ph.D. from the Technion (EE) under the supervision of Yoav Schechner. Thesis: Volumetric Imaging of the Natural Environment. My research thesis into cloud tomography paved the way for a novel space mission CloudCT. The mission of coordinated nano-satellites will enable "seeing into the clouds" (more details) with the goal of advancing our understanding of cloud physics and improving climate models.

California Institute of Technology
330 South Chester Avenue, Pasadena CA 91125
Office: 337 Annenberg IST Center